Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Giveaway

Happy New Year Everyone. Time to say goodbye to 2011 and to get ready for an awesome 2012. Post here what one positive thing you will try and do in the year 2012It can be anything...On Friday, January 5th, I will pick 5 winners for a special KaNoodles Kids surprise...Good Luck!!!!!!!


  1. Well I have a few things I want to do in the New Year, I want to learn to sew, take better pictures and read books. Thanks for the chance, wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year! Meredith K

  2. ~Have more patience with your children and pay more attention to them. Express love and compassion in every word and action. They listen to you and imitate you. You are shaping their world and the person they will become. Cherish them. Your time and presence together means everything to them (and to you), don’t let yourself be too busy for what matters the most.

  3. I am giving up ALL artificial sugar and added sugar. I'm following an eight week sugar elimination plan. Plus we're going to be eating out a LOT less!! This plus my motto for the year will make 2012 a great year!!! sunflowerblueyez(at)hotmail(dot)com

  4. Happy New Year Debbie!!! I am hoping to find a better balance this year with everything. Making sure to carve out plenty of time for family & friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Counting all blessings :)

  5. I am resolving to take the time to PLAY with my kids more. It's not that I don't play with them but I do it when I want and not always when I need to for them.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i really want to use this year to learn to be the best mom i can be while i start my job.

  8. My positive change is to have more patience all around, especially with my kids. With two birthday and Christmas in less than a two week span, I am always stressed out, but in a new house, it was ten fold this year! now that things are winding down, hopefully it can be achieved--for the entire year!

  9. I have more than one!!!! I would like to worry less about things that are out of my control! I would also like to be more patient with my 5 year old! Sometimes I forget that she is only five years old because 99.9% of the time she acts so much older;then I am going to try and spend more family time.

  10. I am going to try to volunteer more at the mission below my building ! belensmama at gmail dot com

  11. I am going to try to push my business a little harder. I also have 7 kids that I am going to make sure I spend the most time with and a husband that deserves the world which I am going to try to please in everyway I can :D se_dugar at

  12. I am going to try and be more patient in all things that I do so I can set a better example for my kids.

    ninajanke @

  13. I am trying reallllly hard this year to just be happy with what God gives us.

  14. My positive change is that I want to maintain my emotions better. The past few years have been horrible and I am tired of worrying about whats going to happen next, so no more worrying!

    joelle07 at hotmail dot com

  15. I thought hard about this yesterday and today.. I just want to live every day with happiness and positivity- it helps make for a happier family, and to always praise God for our blessings.
    shanna.u at gmail dot com

  16. I am really going to try and lose 10 lbs for the two weddings I will be in over the summer. Also, spend more precious time with my family :)

  17. I want to lose 10 pounds (giving up soda will do this :) done it before so it should be easy!! I want to make cherishable memories with people in my family, leave an everlating impression on people I meet and be an even better mother and wife :)

  18. i want to lose alot of weight and with the help of god this will happen then have my knee surgery that way i will look and walk good when i walk my daughter down the isle on her wedding day

  19. Quit smoking, lose weight and spend more one on one time with my oldest daughter. Since having the baby she's gotten kinda left out so I'm going to change that! (:

  20. I will definitely try and make more positive family time in the new year. I think we focus too much on what needs to be done around the house instead of just living in the moment.

  21. I'm going to try to have more patience and to not let my kitchen table get cluttered up everyday.

  22. Try to be more patient! Spend more precious time with my littles!

  23. This year I'm going to try to workout every day.also cut down on sugar intake!

  24. patience, patience, patience! and more gym time...

  25. really try this year to loose weight, been a great mom and wife and of course take some classes for decorating to keep baking and decorating more cakes and start a real bussiness from my new found love :)

  26. Exercise! My triplets are almost 2 years old...I think I finally have the energy to get back to the gym. :) Happy New Year!! (

  27. Eat more veggies!!! Need to be healthier

  28. Happy New Year Debbie!

    In 2012, I plan to take eat better and exercise more......all while spending every minute with my sweet children.

    Love your designs and thank you for this opportunity,

    Baton Rouge, LA

  29. Happy new year! My resolution is to take more pictures! I'm trying for a project 365, so that I can give myself more practice, as well as have more pictures of myself and my new husband :) :) :)

    Amber Zaidi

  30. Happy New Year! I joined a gym so I am hoping to get healthy. Also, try to stress less!

  31. Happy New Year!! My resolution is to get out more for some girl time. I am a HUGE homebody and it has nothing to do with having 6 girls. Of course, they keep me busy, but my husband gives me plenty of opportunity for me to have time to myself.. I just don't take it.

  32. Happy New Year.. A few positive things I am going to do this upcoming year is first to take care of my family. Starting eating more healthy and be more active. Another would be to start saving money. And my last is to be the best Mother I can be to my baby girl. I have a million more and hope to succeed but those r my top 3. Thank u so much for doing a giveaway!

    Kristin Nelson Williams

  33. I am planning to manage my time better and make sure I spend quality time with my kiddos!

  34. Spend more time with my family and take more pictures of my own kids! <3
